In the current economic and social situation in the youth sector, there is an increase in early school leaving and discouragement, that is, not looking for work. According to Eurostat data in Italy, young people between the ages of 15 and 29 who do not have a job and are not in education reach a rate of 23.4 % compared to a European average of 12.9%.

The aim of the project is to take action to address this situation by discouraging early school leaving on the one hand and to encourage young people leaving school to become actively involved.

“Why You Neet?” will be articulated through 3 key actions:

  • Meetings with young people: schools, associations and informal groups.
  • A partnership with foreign associations to evaluate the same phenomenon in different contexts and carry out an exchange of good practices to counteract it.
  • A media diffusion that works to reach as many people as possible, with informative material of impact and easy to use.

The objectives of the project are:

  • A solid international partnership to observe the theme of neet in various contexts and to increase the sense of European belonging among the participants.
  • To raise awareness among students and young people of the various associations or informal groups about the theme of neet.
  • To motivate young people to continue their studies.